Viking Drama
I know some have wondered and asked about Summer Drama 2021. Gurnee Park District did approve a modified Gurnee Days this year on June 1, however even with the modifications, they do not know if they will allow a live play. They would not make that decision until late June or early July. They apologized for not being able to give a final answer at this time. Also, the school district is not allowing the public in the school building for the art fair or live performances. All shows would have to be held outside (at the will of the weather), if they are allowed by the park district.
Unfortunately, that does not give me enough time for planning, while students were still in school and invested (only three days left for the school year). It would be very difficult to distribute forms to students after June 1 and receive payments, especially when the school itself is closed during part of the month of June and the entire month of July. Camp would need to start the last week of July and it looks like we wouldn't get word on the possibility of an outdoor live performance space until just a few weeks before that.
With this uncertainty and no guarantee we can perform, the Administration and the District support the decision to not have Summer Drama again this year. Believe me, this is hard and I waited for word as long as I could. I always consider it one of my favorite shows of the year and this means I was not able to direct my last two Summer Dramas:( I hope that whoever takes over the program next year will continue this lovely tradition. I am pleased to say that the parade will in deed happen, so band will get to continue the parade tradition (but no concert).
Summer Drama Virtual Musical 2020
The Mystery of Custodia
Summer Drama Camp 2019
The Wizard of OZ

Summer Drama Camp 2018
Cinderella and the Substitute Fairy Godmother

Summer Drama Camp 2017