Viking Drama

CONGRATULATIONS to the cast and crew for our production of One Stoplight Town!
It was a triumphant night (5-13-22) for our performance of the Spring Play. I am so very proud of you. All lights are green for a bright future for you all. Thank you to everyone who made the evening so special. This remarkable show will be streaming at: https://d56.anywhereseat.com/

EMMA: A Pop Musical
has ended and it was a smashing success under some VERY difficult circumstances. BRAVO to EVERYONE involved and thank you to those who attended and supported the students and Viking Drama.
All Drama Club and Thespian Society Announcements can be found on this site under those titled pages. The schools' daily announcements and the email page on this site also have any drama announcement information.
Drama class students can find all assignments posted in their drama Google Classroom. Daily class announcements are also sent out before 7am each morning