Viking Drama
I am still in rehabilitation, but will be returning to school part time on May 9 in a wheelchair. The visiting teacher for my classes has been Mrs. Carter and she has done a tremendous job. I am anxious to get back, but with that said I am asking that students be on their best behavior in class as I will still have some challenges. I am also asking that ALL work be turned into Google Classroom. More than half of the quarter was taught by another teacher, who will be doing grading for when they taught. Please do not email work to me. Thank you
On my way to school on 3-11-22, I had a fall/accident. This required reconstructive surgery, hospital time (which is where I am at currently) and starting 3-16 some time in a rehabilitation facility. I am going to be just fine. I just need time and rest to heal. I have excellent care and a wonderful group of friends and family surrounding me. This has put teaching on hold and students will be completing the two-week quarter with a visiting teacher. Lesson will remain the same and all students have already received their final projects for classes.
6th Grade-Students are currently wrapping watching the musical Hamilton and will have a test on this. Their quarter in drama will end with their first public speaking project. They are preparing a script using their favorite short story or pieces of poetry and presenting them to the class. The students are usually very excited about presenting. This will instill an important life skill, which will take them into high school, college and the work force.
7th Grade Intermediate Theatre – Students are busy working on lighting design and will soon be writing their two live performance paragraphs and working on their final projects. They have five options for this project from things they have learned thus far this quarter (monologue, makeup, costume, lights/sound or front house management).
8th Grade Advance Theatre – To conclude the quarter students are expanding on their weeks learning Shakespeare. We spent a some time on Romeo & Juliet to prepare for this in high school and watched a comedic take on all Shakespeare's plays. We will conclude with a little self discovery. Students will create a personal Coat of Arms from Shakespearean times. The quarter will finish up with Twist on a Fairytale design project. It's really creative and allows them to think outside the box. They have finished up their very important TED Talk public speaking project. Even if theatre is not in their future, this skills will take them far into a successful life. You have been a pleasure 8th grade and BREAK-A-LEG in high school! Please, let me know how you are doing and come see me some time:)
The quarter will conclude for all students the week before Spring Break. Have a great break and use it to complete any missing work for class, PLEASE.
February is time for parent teacher conferences, please feel free to sign up for a conference on signup genius. You may opt to have them virtual or in person. Here is my conference sign up link and I look forward to meeting with you:
I look forward to working with all of the students and I am always open to parent contact and communication. Since this year is unique, I am asking parents to continue to encourage students to wear their masks properly and respect social distancing and other's spaces. Not everyone is comfortable being close together and students need to understand and respect this. Al
8th Grade Advance Theatre –The new quarter started with students developing TED Talks. This will help to get them ready for the extensive amount of presentations they will be doing in high school. Once they have completed this unit, they will be discovering William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet in a fun and playful format, thus preparing them for high school, especially freshmen year. They will also create masks and coat of arms also with this unit.
7th Grade Intermediate Theatre – Students are learning about the technical jobs readily available in theatre, television and film. Both classes start lights/sound after this unit. They will learn about the equipment through a virtual scavenger hunt and a light design computer program. After this, they will watch a live performance in class of their choosing.
6th Grade Beginning Theatre – The new quarter started with types of stage and areas in the theatre building. Soon we will learn voice and body, and stage movement. Currently, we are reading the comedy play Super Heroes together as a class and learning parts of a play as we do so. Students will also start watching a live performance of Hamilton the musical. It is a great cross curriculum unit with history. There will be an open book test at the end of the production.
There are only four days remaining in the second quarter. Please, note all final assignments (8th grade-masks, 7th grade- production project, & 6th grade-speech) are all due Wednesday, January 12. Any late assignments will also be due that day. Thursday the 13th is our last day of class. Friday, January 14 is an early dismissal day and a team day.
January brings the beginning a new quarter. We are still not quite back to normal, but we are inching closer and that is encouraging. I look forward to working with all of the students and I am always open to parent contact and communication. Since this year is unique, I am asking parents to continue to encourage students to wear their masks properly and respect social distancing and other's spaces. Not everyone is comfortable being close together and students need to understand and respect this. Also, we will have parent teacher conferences during this month. You may opt to have them virtual or in person.
Here is my conference sign up link and I look forward to meeting with you: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f044fa5af2dabfe3-parent
6th Grade Beginning Theatre – The new quarter starts in Aug. with types of stage and areas in the theatre building. Soon we will learn voice and body, and stage movement. Currently, we are reading the comedy play Super Heroes together as a class and learning parts of a play as we do so. Sept. students will also watch a live performance of Hamilton the musical. It is a great cross curriculum unit with history. There will be an open book test at the end of the production.
7th Grade Intermediate Theatre – The new quarter teaches students about the technical jobs readily available in theatre, television and film. They will explore lights/sound, costume design, makeup design and have a final project where they decide what area they would like to focus on. Sept. they will watch their live performance in class (7th grade has several options:) and write an essay on this. September and October they will begin and end with their final project mentioned.
8th Grade Advance Theatre – The new quarter starts with students getting ready for high school. Currently, 8th grade is developing TED Talks for their diversity project, which will carry into September. This will get them prepared for their first high school public speaking in fall of their freshmen year. Mid September, they will be discovering William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet in a fun and playful format, thus better preparing them for freshmen year. They will create masks and coat of arms also with this unit.